Until now, our business models had focused on comics, anime, movies, games, and merchandising. From May 2018, however, we have shifted to a new management structure that consists of 4 in-house units (Figure 1).
We aim to achieve steady profitability increases leveraging the individual strengths of each business unit and foster synergies among them. The Company concentrates on machine distribution as a PS distribution unit. This move is aimed at improving the earnings structure. At the same time, we are stepping up a host of cost-reduction measures in our effort to optimize operating expenditures.
(Figure 1) FIELDS Group New Management Structure
We have formulated the 3-year medium-term management plan (FY2018- FY2020) starting from FY2018, in November 2018. However, we are now formulating a new medium-term management plan, considering the later market environment.
The new plan will be announced when it becomes possible to disclose reasonable forecasts, after collecting rationale for calculations while assessing the impact of the expansion of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).