About Us
Q: Please provide a Company overview.
- A:
The address is Shibuya Garden Tower, 16-17 Nampeidai-cho,Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0036, Japan
For details, please refer to "Company Information".
Q: Please review the Company's main business activities.
- A:
These are:
1) Planning and development of Pachinko/Pachislot machines
2) Purchasing and sales of Pachinko/Pachislot machines
3) Planning, development and sales of copyrighted characters and related contents
4) Planning, development and sales of video software
For details, please refer to "Company Information".
Q: Please review the Company's history.
- A:
- After establishment in 1988, TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS has moved into a wide range of businesses in the entertainment domain.
For details, please refer to " History".
Q: Please identify the TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS officers.
- A:
- For details, please refer to "Executives".
Q: Please review the Group companies.
- A:
- TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS Group comprises corporations in multiple entertainment fields.
For details, please refer to "List of Group Companies".
CSR Activities
Q: What does top management think about CSR?
- A:
- Here we introduce the CSR message of the President and COO.
For details, please refer to "Message from COO".
Q: What are the CSR basic policy and its promotion arrangements?
- A:
In carrying out CSR activities, we have established and promoted a "CSR Committee," which cuts across organizational lines. For details, please refer to CSR: "Overview” and CSR:“Committee Composition”.
Q: What are the results of CSR Activities?
- A:
- We have organized a "CSR Committee" with 5 working groups.
For details, please refer to "Our Activities".
Q: Please review the TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS governance.
- A:
- Our principal corporate governance measures are introduced in " Corporate Governance," "Compliance " and "Disclosure Policy" and "Matters Related to Directors, Auditors and Independent Officers".
For details, please refer to"Corporate Governance".
Operations and Business Performance Data
Q: Please review trends in business performance.
- A:
- For details, please refer to "Financial Highlights".
Q: Please provide a summary of account closing data.
- A:
- For details, please refer to the "Latest Performance".
Q: Please provide information about earnings presentation.
- A:
- For details, please refer to "Earning Presentations”.
Stockholder and Stock Information
Q: Please review dividends.
- A:
- For details, please refer to "Return to Shareholders and Dividends”.
Q: Please show the security code number and listing exchange.
- A:
- The security code number is 2767, and the listing exchange is the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
For details, please refer to the "Stock Data".
IR Library
Q: I desire to read the latest/past annual report.
- A:
- For details, please refer to the list of "Annual Report" .
Q: I desire to read the latest/past Financial Information and Presentation Materials.
- A:
- For details, please refer to "Summary of Financial Information and Business Results (Financial Information)"
and "Presentations".