

The below shows semiannual statement of profit/loss for five business years.
For prior data, please refer to Financial Data Sheets.

  • Consolidated

*Certain figures of the cumulated Q2 FY 2019 have been restated to reflect revisions to the previous fiscal years' financial statements.
For details, please refer to the "Notification Regarding Partial Revision of Summary of Financial Information and Consolidated Business Results etc. for the Previous Fiscal Year" released on May 15, 2020.
*The Company has applied the “Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition” (ASBJ Statement No. 29, March 31, 2020) and other standards from the beginning of the FY2021.

(Unit: Millions of yen) Year Ended
March 31, 2020
Year Ended
March 31, 2021
Year Ended
March 31, 2022
Year Ended
March 31,
Year Ended
March 31,
  H1 Full-Year H1 Full-Year H1 Full-Year H1 Full-Year H1 Full-Year
Net sales 27,772 66,587 10,591 38,796 37,348 94,900 42,230 117,125 67,015 141,923
Cost of sales 23,620 51,777 8,022 28,869 31,219 79,116 32,542 91,799 54,666 115,464
Gross profit 4,151 14,809 2,568 9,927 6,128 15,784 9,687 25,326 12,348 26,459
Selling, general and administrative expenses 6,902 14,095 5,896 12,169 5,770 12,339 6,153 14,376 6,977 14,631
Operating profit (loss) (2,750) 713 (3,327) (2,241) 358 3,444 3,534 10,950 5,370 11,827
Non-operating income 313 437 181 386 306 365 292 385 602 1,233
Non-operating expenses 97 211 100 178 67 176 72 116 65 113
Ordinary profit (loss) (2,534) 939 (3,247) (2,032) 597 3,634 3,753 11,218 5,907 12,947
Extraordinary income 34 35 0 18 234 541 1 1 0 1,375
Extraordinary losses 244 307 619 893 43 234 7 91 21 511
Profit (loss) before income taxes (2,744) 667 (3,866) (2,908) 788 3,941 3,747 11,127 5,886 13,811
Income taxes-current - 175 - 191 - 698 - 1,963 - 2,649
Income taxes-deferred - (69) - 199 - 104 - (859) - (1,763)
Income taxes (0) - 56 - 176 - 435 - 1,061 -
Profit (loss) (2,744) 560 (3,923) (3,299) 612 3,137 3,311 10,024 4,825 12,925
Profit (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests 12 70 0 153 296 666 775 1,802 701 1,374
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent (2,756) 490 (3,923) (3,452) 315 2,471 2,536 8,221 4,123 11,551