
Segment Information

The below shows semiannual by segment information.
For data prior to the FY2011, please refer to Financial Data Sheets.

Announcement of Changes in reportable segments

Until FY2011, we disclosed "Pachinko/Pachislot (PS) Field," "Mobile Field," "Sports Entertainment Field," and "Other Field" as our group's segment information. From FY2012 onward, we have changed to "a single segment with a focus on Intellectual property (IP)", which integrates these segments.
The single segment has been changed to two reporting segments, the content and digital business and PS business, from the Q3 FY2022.

Second quarter of fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 (April 1, 2024-September 30, 2024)

(Unit: Million yen) Reportable segments Other *1 Total Adjusted amount Quarterly consolidated statement of income amount recorded *2
Content and digital business PS business Total
Net sales
Net sales to external customers 7,833 37,092 44,925 834 45,760 - 45,760
Intersegment net sales or transfers 163 103 267 0 268 (268) -
Total 7,996 37,196 45,192 835 46,028 (268) 45,760
Segment profit 2,117 3,122 5,239 1 5,241 (1,170) 4,071

Fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 (April 1, 2023-March 31, 2024)

(Unit: Million yen) Reportable segments Other *1 Total Adjusted amount Quarterly consolidated statement of income amount recorded *2
Content and digital business PS business Total
Net sales
Net sales to external customers 14,998 125,328 140,326 1,597 141,923 - 141,923
Intersegment net sales or transfers 337 267 605 10 615 (615) -
Total 15,336 125,595 140,931 1,607 142,538 (615) 141,923
Segment profit 3,781 10,412 14,194 19 14,214 (2,386) 11,827

Second quarter of fiscal year ending March 31, 2024 (April 1, 2023-September 30, 2023)

(Unit: Million yen) Reportable segments Other *1 Total Adjusted amount Quarterly consolidated statement of income amount recorded *2
Content and digital business PS business Total
Net sales
Net sales to external customers 7,336 58,878 66,214 800 67,015 - 67,015
Intersegment net sales or transfers 72 144 216 5 221 (221) -
Total 7,409 59,022 66,431 805 67,236 (221) 67,015
Segment profit 1,980 4,506 6,486 20 6,507 (1,136) 5,370

Fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 (April 1, 2022-March 31, 2023)

(Unit: Million yen) Reportable segments Other *1 Total Adjusted amount Quarterly consolidated statement of income amount recorded *2
Content and digital business PS business Total
Net sales
Net sales to external customers 14,029 100,805 114,835 2,290 117,125 - 117,125
Intersegment net sales or transfers 503 3 506 14 521 (521) -
Total 14,532 100,808 115,341 2,305 117,646 (521) 117,125
Segment profit 4,378 7,714 12,092 75 12,168 (1,218) 10,950

Second quarter of fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 (April 1, 2022-September 30, 2022)

(Unit: Million yen) Reportable segments Other *1 Total Adjusted amount Quarterly consolidated statement of income amount recorded *2
Content and digital business PS business Total
Net sales
Net sales to external customers 5,770 35,332 41,103 1,127 42,230 - 42,230
Intersegment net sales or transfers 276 1 277 0 278 (278) -
Total 6,046 35,334 41,380 1,127 42,508 (278) 42,230
Segment profit 1,623 1,933 3,556 33 3,589 (55) 3,534

Fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 (April 1, 2021-March 31, 2022)

(Unit: Million yen) Reportable segments Other *1 Total Adjusted amount Quarterly consolidated statement of income amount recorded *2
Content and digital business PS business Total
Net sales
Net sales to external customers 8,851 83,715 92,567 2,333 94,900 - 94,900
Intersegment net sales or transfers 254 - 254 1 255 (255) -
Total 9,105 83,715 92,821 2,335 95,156 (255) 94,900
Segment profit 1,465 1,750 3,216 92 3,308 136 3,444

*1“Other” is a business segment that is not included in reportable segments and includes fitness business, etc.
*2Segment profit is adjusted with operating profit of consolidated statement of income.