
Statement of Change in Equity

The below shows statement of change in equity for three business years.
For prior data, please refer to Financial Data Sheets.

  • Consolidated

*Certain figures of FY 2018 have been restated to reflect revisions to the previous fiscal years' financial statements.
For details, please refer to the "Notification Regarding Partial Revision of Summary of Financial Information and Consolidated Business Results etc. for the Previous Fiscal Year" released on May 15, 2020.

Statement of change in equity

(Unit: Million yen) Fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 Fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 Fiscal year ended March 31, 2024
  (April 1, 2022–
March 31, 2023)
(April 1, 2022–
March 31, 2023)
(April 1, 2023–
March 31, 2024)
Shareholders' equity
Share capital
Opening balance 7,948 7,948 7,948
Restated balance 7,948 - -
Changes during period
  Total changes during period - - -
Ending Balance
7,948 7,948 7,948
  Capital surplus
Opening balance 7,579 7,576 7,390
Restated balance 7,579 - -
Changes during period
  Purchase of shares of consolidated subsidiaries (3) (191) -
  Sale of shares of consolidated subsidiaries - - -
  Change due to new consolidation - 5 -
  Total changes during period (3) (185) -
Ending Balance
7,576 7,390 7,390
  Retained earnings
Opening balance 16,104 16,771 24,217
Cumulative effects of changes in accounting policies (1,441) - -
Restated balance 14,663 - -
Changes during period
  Dividends of surplus (323) (646) (1,961)
  Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent 2,471 8,221 11,551
  Disposal of treasury shares - (128) (5)
  Change in scope of consolidation (39) - -
  Total changes during period 2,107 7,446 9,584
Ending Balance
16,771 24,217 33,801
  Treasury shares
Opening balance (1,946) (1,946) (1,644)
Restated balance (1,946) - -
Changes during period
  Purchase of treasury shares - (0) (0)
  Disposal of treasury shares - 302 12
  Total changes during period - 301 12
Ending Balance
(1,946) (1,644) (1,631)
  Total shareholders' equity
Opening balance 29,686 30,349 37,912
Cumulative effects of changes in accounting policies (1,441) - -
Restated balance 28,245 - -
Changes during period
  Dividends of surplus (323) (646) (1,961)
  Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent 2,471 8,221 11,551
  Purchase of shares of consolidated subsidiaries (3) (191) -
  Sale of shares of consolidated subsidiaries - - -
  Change due to new consolidation - 5 -
  Change in scope of consolidation (39) - -
  Purchase of treasury shares - (0) (0)
  Disposal of treasury shares - 173 7
  Changes in interests due to purchase of treasury shares of consolidated subsidiaries - - -
  Total changes during period 2,104 7,562 9,596
Ending Balance
30,349 37,912 47,508
Accumulated other comprehensive income
  Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities
Opening balance 116 18 1,194
Restated balance 116 - -
Changes during period
  Net changes in items other than shareholders' equity (98) 1,175 (1,155)
  Total changes during period (98) 1,175 (1,155)
Ending Balance
18 1,194 38
  Foreign currency translation adjustment
Opening balance 1 1 1
Restated balance 1 - -
Changes during period
  Net changes in items other than shareholders' equity 0 (0) 0
  Total changes during period 0 (0) 0
Ending Balance
1 1 2
  Remeasurements of defined benefit plans
Opening balance (0) 3 12
Restated balance (0) - -
Changes during period
  Net changes in items other than shareholders' equity 3 8 25
  Total changes during period 3 8 25
Ending Balance
3 12 37
  Total accumulated other comprehensive income
Opening balance 117 23 1,208
Restated balance 117 - -
Changes during period
  Net changes in items other than shareholders' equity (93) 1,184 (1,130)
  Total changes during period (93) 1,184 (1,130)
Ending Balance
23 1,208 78
Share acquisition rights
Opening balance 7 28 45
Restated balance 7 - -
Changes during period
  Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity 21 17 157
  Total changes during period 21 17 157
Ending Balance
28 45 203
Non-controlling interests
Opening balance 632 1,150 2,651
Cumulative effects of changes in accounting policies (146) - -
Restated balance 486 - -
Changes during period
  Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity 663 1,500 5,404
  Total changes during period 663 1,500 5,404
Ending Balance
1,150 2,651 8,055
  Total net assets
Opening balance 30,443 31,551 41,817
Cumulative effects of changes in accounting policies (1,587) - -
Restated balance 28,856 - -
Changes during period
  Dividends of surplus (323) (646) (1,961)
  Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent 2,471 8,221 11,551
  Purchase of shares of consolidated subsidiaries (3) (191) -
  Change due to new consolidation - 5 -
  Sale of shares of consolidated subsidiaries - - -
  Change in scope of consolidation (39) - -
  Purchase of treasury shares - (0) (0)
  Disposal of treasury shares - 173 7
  Changes in interests due to purchase of treasury shares of consolidated subsidiaries - - -
  Net changes in items other than shareholders' equity 591 2,702 4,431
  Total changes during period 2,695 10,265 14,028
Ending Balance
31,551 41,817 55,845