Terms of Use
This Website is operated by TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS INC. Prior to using it, please read the following Terms of Use. Use permission is granted only if you agree to the terms.
Intellectual Property Rights
The site's text, composition, programs, illustrations, images, logos and data are all copyrighted. All rights revert to TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS, the production company or to sources that provide information to TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS. The site's data and other contents are also protected by various countries' copyright laws, various treaties and other laws. This site does not grant any rights based on copyright, trademark, design, patent and other intellectual property rights, and without the prior permission of TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS, duplication, reproduction, distribution, conversion, transmission, alteration, adaptation, downloading, and the like are prohibited.
The following are the trademarks used in the site.
- "TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS INC." and "円谷フィールズホールディングス株式会社" are trademarks or registered trademarks.
- Microsoft, Windows and Internet Explorer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
- Mac, Mac OS and Safari are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
- Adobe, Adobe Reader and Flash are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
- Other company names and names of goods and services on the site are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Prohibited Acts
In the use of this site, the following acts are prohibited.
- Acts prejudicial, or that could be prejudicial, to third parties, the Company's assets, or privacy.
- Acts that slander, defame or threaten third parties or the Company, or are detrimental to their reputations or creditworthiness.
- Acts prejudicial, or that could be prejudicial, to public order and good practice.
- Use or provision of computer viruses or other harmful programs, or the threat thereof.
- Acts in violation of laws, ordinances or regulations with the force of law.
- Registration of the e-mail addresses of others, and other false reports and declarations.
- Other acts which the Company deems inappropriate.
- The Company offers absolutely no assurances as to the accuracy of the information on its site, its usefulness, reliability or timeliness. Nor does the Company bear any responsibility for loss or disadvantage arising from use or inability to use this information.
- There may occur system difficulties, system maintenance or other matters that for the convenience of the Company may not be posted in advance to the site in advance, or other URL changes or deletions in data or site operation stoppages or suspensions. Whatever the reasons, the Company bears no responsibility for damages or inconvenience.
- The Company bears no responsibility for damage or inconvenience resulting from computer virus infections of the system, erroneous system operations, errors and the like, arising from use of the site.
- URLs and information from this site and linked sites set up by third parties are administered on the responsibility of the respective companies, and the Company offers no guarantees as to the accuracy and trustworthiness of the information. Please use the linked sites in accordance with their terms of use. The Company bears no responsibility for any losses or inconvenience arising from the use of linked site information.
About Links
This site's links are in principle free, and from the top page on down establishment of links is approved. But in order to enable user cognizance of links to this site, it is requested that this be noted clearly in the link. The Company reserves the right to suspend or eliminate links deemed inappropriate.
Information, Ideas and Proposals from Customers
Unless especially requested, the Company accepts from customers no original concepts, ideas, stories, scenarios, characters, designs, new products, technology or other plans and proposals. The purpose of this is to avoid the possibility of misunderstandings and disputes between Company and customers in the event that customer proposals happen to resemble copyrighted material, merchandise and services planned, developed and created by the Company.
Even if customers transmit such proposals, the Company will not study, evaluate or use them. The content of such proposals will be treated as non-confidential general information which the Company can use in any form. The Company bears no responsibility, including any obligation for payment of compensation, to customers who have transmitted such proposals.
Recommended Environments
The Company desires to enable provision of the same information to as many customers as possible, but depending on the browsers and plug-in software used there may be some who cannot display the intended situation. For optimum viewing of this site, the Company recommends use of the following browsers and plug-in software.
Recommended Browsers
- For Windows
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher
Firefox 15.0 or higher
Google Chrome 21 or higher
- For the Mac OS
Firefox 15.0 or higher
Safari 6.0 or higher
Plug-in software
- Adobe Reader
In order to view PDF files, Adobe Co.'s Adobe Reader is required. The latest version of Adobe Reader can be downloaded free of charge from the homepage of Adobe Co
- Adobe Flash Player
In order to view flash contents, Adobe Flash Player is required. The latest version of Adobe Flash Player can be downloaded free of charge from the homepage of Adobe Co
Revisions of Terms of Use
The Company may revise the Terms of Use in order to update their content. Users are therefore requested to check periodically for the newest terms.
Applicable Law and Court Having Jurisdiction
Use of this site, including interpretation and application of the Terms of Use, is governed by the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court is the court of first resort for all disputes that may arise from use of this site.