TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS Investor Relations English

Corporate Governance


TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS' corporate philosophy and mission is to provide "The Greatest Leisure for All People," with the sustainable increase in corporate value as the basic principle guiding Company management.
We think one of the important management issues in realizing this basic policy is ensuring that corporate governance functions effectively.
To this end, we will enhance our corporate governance system by advancing reforms in our management structures and systems within the framework of the Board of Directors, the Board of Statutory Auditors, the Independent Auditor and the Board of Executive Officers.
The Board of Directors has passed a resolution concerning the establishment of a system to assure proper operation of the Group's business in accordance with the Companies Act and the Ordinance for the Enforcement of the Companies Act.


TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS sets as its mission its corporate philosophy of "The Greatest Leisure for All People." Within a wide range of business activity, it looks to gain trust as a sound corporation with trust based on fairness, confidence and safety.
In order to achieve that objective, the Company promotes awareness of the importance of compliance and undertakes measures from a variety of standpoints.
Compliance applies to all officers and employees of the TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS Group, including regular, part-time, dispatched and others.
Each person affiliated with the TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS Group strives for strict observance of the law in corporate activities, of course, as well as elimination of less well-defined activities in violation of vaguer corporate ethics, such as doing whatever does not conflict with the law and what is thought all right for one's rank.