Medium-term Management Plan



FIELDS will rebuild its business value chain and, based upon this, focus on cultivating and monetizing IP, from perspectives of both IP and the business platforms. Furthermore, we will engage in new business development, such as expanding business platforms in new technological fields including VR (virtual reality). We aim for further revenue expansion by concurrently developing these worldwide. (Figure 1)

(Figure 1) 5-Action
Figure: 5-Action

Profit Structure

[Pachinko and Pachislot + Cross-media + More (including global/new technology)] profit structure

  • Ensuring stable earnings in pachinko and pachislot business platform
  • Cross-media business platform virtuous circle
  • Realization of new [IP × Business Platform] including global/new technology

Pachinko and Pachislot Business

In the pachinko and pachislot business, we aim to achieve stable provision of products in the market year-round, while recognizing market trends such as regulatory revisions. Also, we will consider not only pachinko and pachislot machine sales, but all areas in which pachinko halls invest, as total pachinko and pachislot market, and will strive to build a revenue base which does not rely only on pachinko and pachislot machine sales, providing a variety of business solutions, including periphery machines, data analyses, and individualized marketing.

Cross-media Business

In the cross-media business, we will further monetize already organized IP, and work on selecting and focusing on IP for investment. Also, we will promote revenue expansion through initiatives from perspectives of both IP and the business platforms.

Global Development and Business Platforms
in New Technology FIELDS

FIELDS will aim to increase profit through global expansion of powerful IP such as Ultraman. In addition, we will promote commercialization in new business fields such as AI (artificial intelligence), AR (augmented reality), VR (virtual reality), and MR (mixed reality).

Through these, we will build a profit structure to obtain revenue from the cross-media business platform “plus something extra,” not merely relying on revenue from the pachinko and pachislot business platform. In this platform, we will aim to free our business from reliance on specific hit products, and strive to build a structure that secures stable revenue throughout the year. (Figure 2)

(Figure 2) Profit Structure
Figure: [Pachinko and Pachislot + Cross-media + More (including global/new technology)] profit structure

Financial Strategies and Governance

Financial Strategies

We are coordinating with various financial institutions to build and maintain a stable financial structure, tackling the 4 points shown in (Figure 4).

(Figure 4)
Figure: Financial Strategies


FIELDS will focus on the organization of our internal control systems in line with Japan’s Corporate Governance Code, in order to continue enhancing our corporate value.

Company and product names and service names in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.